Startup Elk Grove

参与的声音包括该地区的关键举措,以教育社区成员了解本地区的发展和正在进行的关键工作. For this month’s feature, we talked with the City of Elk Grove’s Economic Development Specialist, Sara Rodrigues, to learn about the city’s start-up program, “Startup Elk Grove”. Read on to learn more.

Please provide a high-level overview of the organization.

创业Elk Grove激励计划(“创业Elk Grove”)旨在支持该项目的启动, growth, and attraction of innovative startup companies in and to Elk Grove, California by providing a mix of financial, site selection, entitlement, and permitting support to entrepreneurs, startup companies, and operators of co-working, incubator, and accelerator spaces.

Startup Elk Grove specifically targets and assists: 1. entrepreneurs seeking to establish a startup company in Elk Grove; 2. existing startup companies looking to scale operations in Elk Grove; and 3. operators of co-working spaces, business incubators, and startup accelerators looking to locate in Elk Grove. 该计划的首要目标是发现和投资新的和创新的公司,这些公司将迅速成长,并成为未来的大公司锚Elk Grove经济. 该计划还寻求通过投资企业家来发展和支持Elk Grove强大的创业生态系统, companies, 以及能够促进本地初创企业聚集的实体空间,这些初创企业反过来将吸引资源和股权资本到伦敦金融城来支持这些公司.

Typical characteristics of startups assisted by this program include:

  1. Has attracted or is positioned to attract capital from seed, venture, or other similar capital investment sources.
  2. 已经或准备雇佣至少5名员工,其中可以包括创始人和所有者.
  3. Have the potential to grow rapidly in terms of employees, commercial space occupied, and/or local tax generation.
  4. Is less than five years old, has less than 100 employees, has less than $50 million of annual revenue, and is valued at less than $500 million. 通常,通过该计划获得援助的公司规模将远远小于这些门槛.
  5. Falls into the following or similar verticals: hardware, software, software as a service (SaaS), mobile, e-commerce, artificial intelligence (AI), augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), robotics, AgTech, HealthTech, BioTech, internet of things (IoT), GreenTech, CleanTech, FinTech, blockchain, and big data.
  6. Has a Minimum Viable Product (MVP), 定义为具有足够功能以满足早期采用者的商业产品.

Components of Startup Elk Grove:

  • 启动-这部分为具有高潜力概念的创业企业家提供财务激励,这些企业家同意在Elk Grove开发并尝试启动他们的业务.
  • 扩大规模-这一组成部分提供财政激励和非货币性援助.e. site selection, entitlements, 对于那些表现出高增长潜力并希望在埃尔克格罗夫扩大运营规模的初创公司(以及许可).
  • 空间——这个组件为联合办公空间的经营者提供经济激励, incubators, or accelerators located in the City of Elk Grove. Funds may also be used by the City to purchase, lease, or improve commercial spaces suitable for these types of operations.



  • 对联合办公空间和孵化器的支持:Startup Elk Grove不仅针对企业家和初创公司,还针对联合办公空间的运营商, business incubators, and startup accelerators. By supporting these entities, 该项目正在创建各种背景的企业家可以联系的中心, collaborate, and access resources to grow their businesses.
  • 鼓励创业生态系统的多样性:通过投资不同垂直领域的创业公司,如硬件, software, AgTech, HealthTech, and FinTech, the program is promoting inclusivity within the startup ecosystem. 这种方法确保了来自不同行业和背景的企业家有机会参与并在埃尔克格罗夫和大萨克拉门托的经济中茁壮成长.
  • 专注于创新和技术:该项目专注于人工智能等创新行业, augmented reality, blockchain, big data, 更多的投资将为具有前沿思想的企业家创造机会,为该地区的经济增长做出贡献. By supporting startups in these sectors, 创业公司Elk Grove正在培养一种创新和技术进步的文化,使整个大萨克拉门托地区受益.


What is your long-term vision for this organization? How do you imagine it will evolve over time?

Elk Grove创业激励计划的长期愿景是将Elk Grove建设成为一个蓬勃发展的创新中心, entrepreneurship, and economic growth within the Greater Sacramento region. Over time, the project aims to evolve in several keyways:

  • 生态系统发展:该项目旨在通过持续支持创业公司,在麋鹿林培育一个强大的创业生态系统, co-working spaces, incubators, and accelerators. This includes providing ongoing financial incentives, site selection assistance, and permitting support to attract and retain innovative companies.
  • Job Creation and Economic Impact: As supported startups grow and succeed, they will contribute to job creation, commercial space occupancy, and local tax generation in Elk Grove. 长期愿景是拥有大量成功的初创企业,成为当地经济的支柱, driving economic prosperity and opportunities for residents.
  • Industry Diversification: Over time, the program will evolve to support a wider range of industries and verticals, reflecting the changing landscape of innovation and entrepreneurship. This will include emerging sectors, new technologies, and niche markets that present opportunities for growth and investment.
  • 可持续性和弹性:长期愿景包括建立一个可持续和弹性的创业生态系统,能够承受经济波动和外部挑战.

Overall, Elk Grove创业激励计划的长期愿景是创造一个充满活力和支持性的环境,让创业公司茁壮成长, innovation flourishes, 艾尔克格罗夫和大萨克拉门托地区的所有居民都享有经济繁荣.


Is there anything you’d like the community to know about this project, or any ways they can get involved or support its success?

  • 企业家的机会:如果你是一个有创业想法的企业家,或者是一个正在创业的公司, the program offers various forms of support. 不要犹豫,伸出手来,探索该计划如何帮助你在Elk Grove启动或发展你的业务.
  • 传播信息:帮助提高社区内对麋鹿林创业激励计划的认识. Subscribe to our newsletter “BUSINESSWISE” to stay up to date; and share information about the program with friends, family, and colleagues who may benefit from its support. 通过传播信息,我们可以将更多的企业家与他们发展所需的资源联系起来.
  • Attend/Sponsor our Pitch Elk Grove event. This year the event will be held on September 19, 2024 at District56 in Elk Grove. 欲了解更多信息或确保您在临近日期时收到邀请,请联系 Sara Rodrigues.

作为一个社区一起支持麋鹿林创业激励计划, we can create a thriving ecosystem where entrepreneurs thrive, startups flourish, and our local economy prospers. 让我们共同努力,为埃尔克格罗夫和大萨克拉门托地区建设一个更光明的未来!

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