全球半导体公司Solidigm将研发(R&D) facility, home to 1,900 jobs, in the Greater Sacramento Area


One of California’s largest semiconductor projects will create up to $1.2 billion in annual economic impact for the capital region

Sacramento (Rancho Cordova), California, September 14, 2022 Solidigm, a U.S.-based subsidiary of global semiconductor company SK hynix, Inc., along with the 科尔多瓦牧场城 and the 大萨克拉门托经济委员会 (GSEC), 宣布了大萨克拉门托历史上最大的高薪工作项目.

After an exhaustive site search in the Greater Sacramento region, Solidigm选择了Rancho Cordova市作为其全球研发中心(R&D) campus, which will be home to more than 1,在未来五年内,将有900名专业人士从事高薪技术工作,该设施的投资超过1亿美元. This is the largest semiconductor industry R&D project Greater Sacramento has seen over the last decade.

Solidigm是全球领先的创新NAND闪存解决方案提供商. The company launched as a U.S.-based subsidiary of SK hynix, Inc.继2020年10月之后,2021年12月29日,全球第二大存储芯片制造商三星电子(samsung electronics)也将获得这一殊荣 agreement by SK hynix to acquire Intel’s NAND and SSD business for $9 billion.

Solidigm目前正在对23万平方英尺的R大楼进行租户改造&D校区,计划在2023年第一季度入住. The site was chosen for its ample office and lab space, proximity to where Solidigm’s workforce lives, availability of public transportation, 附近的便利设施和扩展能力,以适应不断增长的劳动力.

“Solidigm很高兴为Rancho Cordova和大萨克拉门托地区带来创新和就业机会, 以其高技能的劳动力和创新精神而闻名,” said Solidigm CEO Rob Crooke. “我们期待通过就业机会投资并支持该地区的经济增长和社区, partnerships, and volunteerism.”

“As a global leader in data memory storage, 在我们国家供应链的关键时刻,在我们需要更多美国产品的时刻,Solidigm将其研究和开发带到Rancho Cordova.S. 对未来基本技术的投资,”国会议员阿米·贝拉说道. “And regionally, 这是我们地区有史以来最大的高薪就业官方十大网投网址项目,它带来了可观的投资和机会,将使大萨克拉门托地区及其居民受益.”

“我们非常激动地欢迎Solidigm来到兰乔·科尔多瓦市,”市长唐纳德·特里说. “Our city, one of the largest jobs centers in the Greater Sacramento region, is home to over 3,500 diverse businesses. 我们很自豪能够进一步多样化,并将数据存储添加到这里建立的创业努力的特殊列表中.”

“这项投资是一项重要的团队努力,显示了大萨克拉门托官方十大网投网址社区内部的合作, proving global market validation in the semiconductor industry,” said GSEC President and CEO Barry Broome. “我为GSEC和Rancho Cordova团队感到自豪,他们与我们的社区合作伙伴合作,使十大网投官方入口州首府的这个项目取得了成功,并将我们置于未来半导体官方十大网投网址项目的全球舞台上.”

这个项目的一个关键选址因素是低成本的及时可用性, high-uptime power. As a core member of the project team, 萨克拉门托市政公用事业区(SMUD)确保了项目的高可靠性和具有竞争力的成本.


About Solidigm
Solidigm是全球领先的创新NAND闪存解决方案提供商. Solidigm技术为客户开启了数据的无限潜力, enabling them to fuel human advancement. 我们的起源反映了英特尔在内存产品方面的长期创新和SK海力士在半导体行业的国际领导地位和规模. Solidigm became a standalone U.S. subsidiary under SK hynix in December 2021. Headquartered in California, Solidigm is powered by the inventiveness of more than 2,000 employees in 20 locations around the world. For more information, please visit solidigm.com and follow us on Twitter at @Solidigm and on LinkedIn. “Solidigm”是SK海力士NAND产品解决方案公司(d/b/a Solidigm)的商标.

大萨克拉门托经济委员会是十大网投官方入口首都地区创新增长战略的催化剂. The organization spearheads community-led direction to retain, attract, grow and scale tradable sectors, 在六县区域内发展先进产业,创造就业和投资. 大萨克拉门托代表了地方政府和州政府之间的合作, market leaders, influencers and stakeholders, with the sole mission of driving inclusive economic growth. 大萨克拉门托地区以发现为基础,以领导力为基础,以创新为动力.

About Rancho Cordova
兰乔科尔多瓦市于2003年7月1日成立,成为十大网投官方入口第478个城市. 从那时起,这座城市已经发展成为一个新兴的城市中心,同时保留了小镇的感觉. Over 3,500 businesses employ a workforce of 65,000+, 使我们成为大萨克拉门托地区最大的就业中心之一. Our nearly 80,000 residents enjoy a beautiful, six-mile stretch of the American River, a burgeoning arts scene, 26 miles of bike and pedestrian trails, 70 acres of creeks and tributaries, and over 100 (mostly free) events. Whether you call Rancho Cordova an All-America City, Playful City USA or Tree City USA, 我们的社区和商业区反映了多样性和机遇, making us a community where anyone can live, work, learn and play.


Press Contacts:

Catherine Roberts
Director, Corporate Communications, Solidigm
C: (408) 364-6445

米歇尔. 威拉德
(916) 287-9072

Maria Chacon Kniestedt
Communications & Public Affairs Director, City of Rancho Cordova
O:(916) 851-8791 C: (916) 200-6181

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Solidigm Rancho Cordova Sacramento campus

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