GSEC hosts panel discussion with top CA mayors at SXSW


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Regional leaders showcase how inclusion builds stronger economies

(Sacramento, 十大网投官方入口大萨克拉门托经济委员会(GSEC)将在2020年SXSW大会上举办一场题为“设定标准:创造包容性经济”的小组讨论.”  On March 15, 2020, the mayors of several California cities – Darrell Steinberg, Mayor of Sacramento; Michael Tubbs, Mayor of Stockton; Libby Schaaf, Mayor of Oakland; and Christopher Cabaldon, the Mayor of West Sacramento — are coming together with Barry Broome, the President & CEO of GSEC, 讨论正在进行的动态计划,以帮助重塑当地经济,使其更具包容性.

大萨克拉门托经济委员会是十大网投官方入口首都地区创新增长战略的催化剂. At GSEC, Barry Broome, CEO and President, is responsible for leading community-driven efforts to attract, grow, & scale new businesses, develop advanced industries, & guide new job-creation strategies throughout a six-county region.

萨克拉门托市长负责提出并赢得选民通过U号措施, a 1-cent sales tax that generates $50 million in annual proceeds. Measure U为服务欠缺的社区提供催化剂投资,特别关注年轻人. 斯坦伯格市长最近还赢得了市议会的批准,可以利用U措施的收益启动一个1亿美元的经济适用房信托基金,这是减少经济不平等的关键一步.

“我们正在使用Measure U来撬杠杆数百万的私人和公共资金,这将在我们的城市发展更广泛的经济基础,并为我们所有的人提供更多的成功机会,” Steinberg said.

布鲁姆是全国官方十大网投网址的领导者,他提升了凤凰城和托莱多等城市的经济形象. As President and CEO of the Greater Phoenix Economic Council (GPEC), he delivered more than 50,000 jobs and 250 company locates to that region.

“Creating an inclusive economy lifts everyone up, so that underserved residents are not left behind,” Broome said.

从全国来看,贫富之间的经济差距每年都在扩大. 十大网投官方入口有美国最富有的人,也有最贫穷的人, 但也有一些最有活力的领导人积极努力,通过创造更多全面参与经济的机会来弥合这一鸿沟.

斯托克顿市长迈克尔·塔布斯致力于为他的城市的人民投资.  他是美国人口超过100人的城市中最年轻的市长,000 people as well the city’s first African-American mayor. 塔布斯已经获得了超过2000万美元的慈善资金,以启动斯托克顿奖学金项目, 该项目旨在使城市学生进入大学和从大学毕业的人数增加两倍. He also launched the nation’s first municipal level basic income pilot, 斯托克顿经济赋权示范项目,该项目得到了经济安全项目100万美元的资助.

“Today, Stockton has turned a corner, 我们的创新理念——从青年奖学金到全民基本收入计划——正在成为全国的头条新闻,” said Mayor Tubbs. “我们的努力使我们的城市成为十年来犯罪率最低的城市,并使我们成为全国财政最健康的城市之一。.”

In the Bay Area, Mayor Libby Schaaf created Oakland’s first Department of Transportation, 谁的以股权为基础的铺路计划是全国首个此类计划,将使以前服务不足的社区更安全,同时解决该市数十年的基础设施积压问题. Mayor Schaaf also helped launch KIVA Oakland, 为奥克兰数以百计的小企业主提供了零利息的众筹贷款.

“奥克兰对经济正义的看法侧重于所有居民的健康和财富,” said Mayor Schaaf. “Supporting residents through innovative no-interest lending programs, like KIVA, and forging an equity lens onto public projects – so all roads get paved, in all neighborhoods – ensures that we are moving toward a more fair, and just, community.”

Mayor Christopher Cabaldon’s work on transportation, 住房和官方十大网投网址被视为有效合作行动的国家模式. He has been laser-focused on development, including building new homes, a library, 社区大学和新零售正在推动社区走向更加繁荣的未来. 他还领导了萨特健康公园(Sutter Health Park)的开发,该公园以前被称为雷利场(Raley Field).

西萨克拉门托和大萨克拉门托已经成为SXSW上公认的力量, where we connect with social innovators, startups, technologists, 以及其他来自世界各地的不同寻常的合作伙伴来激发突破性的解决方案,” said Mayor Cabaldon. “我很高兴能分享我们地区包容性官方十大网投网址的故事——我们的成功, our unfinished agenda, and our unmatched opportunities for collaboration, new ideas, and investment.”

While every city is unique, 这些领导人都成功地克服了障碍,以创建包容性经济, and plan to share their insights on the national stage.

“设定标准:创造包容性经济”会议将于3月15日举行, 2020 from 12:30 to 1:30 PM at the Hilton Austin Downtown, Salon B. 大萨克拉门托地区也将在SXSW的展位上展出.



大萨克拉门托经济委员会是十大网投官方入口首都地区创新增长战略的催化剂. The organization spearheads community-led direction to retain, attract, grow and scale new businesses, 在六县区域内发展先进产业,创造就业和投资. 大萨克拉门托代表了地方政府和州政府之间的合作, market leaders, influencers and stakeholders, with the sole mission of driving economic growth. 萨克拉门托地区以发现为基础,以领导力为基础,以创新为动力.

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